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6 min read

What Do OneShare Health Members Need to Know About COVID-19?

By OneShare Health on 9:00 AM on January 13, 2022

Read more about which shared medical services OneShare Health can provide our Members when it comes to COVID-19.

We understand that you might have some concerns as confirmed cases of coronavirus (COVID-19) variants continue to rise in the United States. While these may be stressful, even isolating times, we want to put your mind at ease by reminding you that we are here for you, praying for you, and supporting you.

Topics: Healthcare Sharing & FAQ
6 min read

FAQ: What is Christian Health Care Sharing?

By OneShare Health on 11:00 AM on January 11, 2022

What is Christian Health Care Sharing?

Christian health care sharing helps Members save money on their health care costs and obligations. The church is meant to lift each other up, and Christian health care sharing is one way that Christians can help each other and their community. Jesus taught that everyone needs to be of one accord, and when this teaching is applied to something as fundamental as health care and as crucial as health care costs, the wishes of Christ may be fulfilled.

Topics: Healthcare Sharing & FAQ
8 min read

If I'm Young and Healthy, Do I Need Health Coverage?

By OneShare Health on 9:00 AM on November 8, 2021

Is insurance for healthy people important, and should you find cheap health insurance options? The answer is yes.

Yes, 100% without a doubt in this world, yes, you need some form of help with health expenses. You may not care what tomorrow could bring, but accidents happen, and having cheap health insurance coverage, or an alternative, is a safety net you will be thankful to have. If you do not like the idea of health insurance, there are Christian health insurance alternatives, providing you with a Program you need, with the support you want all while being budget-friendly. Let’s dive deeper

Topics: Healthy Lifestyle Healthcare Sharing & FAQ
6 min read

How Does Telemedicine Work for OneShare Health Members?

By OneShare Health on 9:00 AM on November 2, 2021

As part of the OneShare Health Family, we want to provide you with all the resources you need to make the best choices for your health. Have a cold? Want to know if that scrape needs stitches? As a OneShare Member, you have 24/7 access to Clever HealthTM Smart Virtual Care (Telemedicine), and the Consult Fee is 100% Shared so it's no cost to you!

Topics: Healthcare Sharing & FAQ
4 min read

How a Health Care Sharing Ministry Supports Your Church’s Mission

By OneShare Health on 2:45 PM on October 25, 2021

What if you could offer your community of believers a health care program rooted in faith and spiritual support? Something that goes beyond the teachings and is a tangible plan, readily available in a time of crisis, to help avoid debt and strife, or to simply encourage a healthy body as well as a healthy spirit. Did you know religious health care organizations, an alternative to the Affordable Care Act (ACA), that drives prosperity back into the ministry it serves is possible?

Topics: Healthcare Sharing & FAQ Features
9 min read

When is Open Enrollment for Health Insurance and What is It?

By OneShare Health on 2:06 PM on October 21, 2021

When is Open Enrollment for Health Insurance and What is Open Enrollment for Health Coverage?

It’s the most wonderful time of the year again. No, we are not talking about holidays; it is time for Open Enrollment. So, get your thinking caps on and prepare to start comparing plans and prices to get the best deal for health care for this upcoming program year.

Topics: Healthcare Sharing & FAQ
10 min read

FAQ: How Does Medical Sharing Work?

By OneShare Health on 11:00 AM on October 4, 2021

In the health care industry, there can be many unknowns. But when it comes to OneShare Health, we work hard to provide our Members with transparency, especially when it comes to the sharing process and how exactly your Monthly Contributions are used to facilitate the sharing of Eligible health care costs within our Sharing Community.

How do christian health shares work?

Topics: Healthcare Sharing & FAQ
4 min read

All About Christian Health Share Ministries

By OneShare Health on 11:00 AM on August 30, 2021

Christian health share ministries are organizations that facilitate the sharing of Eligible medical expenses among groups of Christian families and individuals who have united under the biblical principle of assisting each other during times of need (Galatians 6:2).

Topics: Healthcare Sharing & FAQ
6 min read

FAQ: Is OneShare Health Considered Health Insurance?

By OneShare Health on 12:00 PM on July 19, 2021

Find out what sets medical sharing apart from health insurance.

Just what makes health sharing ministries like OneShare Health such an attractive option for individuals and families? For starters, we are not considered Christian health insurance. Instead, we’re a Christian Health Care Sharing Ministry that welcomes and unites Members who agree with our core biblical principles and Statement of Beliefs relating to life, health, and caring for others.

Topics: Healthcare Sharing & FAQ
4 min read

FAQ: What is Cost Sharing in Healthcare?

By OneShare Health on 11:30 AM on July 12, 2021

What Exactly is Medical Cost Sharing?

Protecting our loved ones from the unknown is no easy task, especially during these uncertain times. As health care costs continue to rise (and with them, our blood pressure), finding a health care program that’s affordable, flexible, and, most importantly, reliable should be at the top of everyone’s to-do list.

Maybe you or a loved one has been furloughed, and paying for traditional health insurance is no longer feasible. But did you know that you can still access quality health care by trusted health care providers without going the traditional route? Ever heard of “medical cost sharing”?

Topics: Healthcare Sharing & FAQ