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Fun and Healthy Ways to Improve Your Daily Routine

By OneShare Health on 2:00 PM on December 22, 2021

Getting into a healthy routine is great for boosting your mental and physical health. Here are some ways to improve your daily routine so you stick to your goals!

Having healthy habits is hard but keeping up with them tends to be more difficult. Sticking to your healthy resolutions like working out or eating heart-healthy foods is not what comes to mind when your stomach is growling from hunger. This is why learning how to create a daily routine is so important, it will help you hold yourself accountable.

If you are ready to take some steps to improve your health through a daily routine, read this article to learn more about tips for constructing a list of wise, healthy tasks and how to make it enjoyable so you can make changes for the better.

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Why Are Daily Routines Important?

Getting into a healthy routine is great for boosting your mental and physical health. The repetitive tasks reinforce positive habits and ensure self-care. People who do not have set daily tasks are more inclined to have poor mental health, stress, dieting issues, and less sleep.


Ways to Improve Your Daily Routine

Ways to Improve Your Daily RoutineGet Into The Swing of Things

Start your day off right with an alarm set for the same time every day. Repeating this wake-up time will help your body become used to being alert at this time. Not a morning person? Pump up the tunes and enjoy good dental hygiene while getting ready. Make it fun and relaxing, all while energizing you for the day. This is the first step to having the right foot forward for your day.



Creating checklists is a good way to improve your daily routine.

When creating your ideal routine, make sure you have all the pieces wrapped in your plan and must-haves mapped out. Be sure to add all tasks you may have, regardless of how mundane they seem. These pieces include sweeping the floor or picking up your home. Include even the smaller tasks to prevent you from having delays and getting distracted. Checklists, daily calendars, or setting phone alarms and reminders can help you remember the details!


Ways to Improve Your Daily RoutineSet Smaller Goals

This is a BIG help. Often we make our goals too big for routines. Instead of having four big goals, break each down into smaller, less intimidating tasks. You do not want to be discouraged and potentially fail. Whether you're aiming to get more daily steps, or practice ways to get more vegetables in your diet, be sure and give yourself a high-five or some sort of affirmation when you meet one of your goals, no matter how small. You'll be surprised what a self-pat on the back can do for your motivation!


Ways to Improve Your Daily RoutineMake It Fun

Starting a new routine with new goals is not always the most fun, that is why you have to make it that way. All you need to do is make your routine uniquely yours! Love to jam to loud music while you clean? Turn up the volume. Prefer to have conversations with your dogs while taking them on their daily walk? Chat away. Turn mundane activities into an activity that caters to your need for fun. Hate going to the gym alone? Grab a buddy or take your family to change a mediocre workout into getting good exercise! Need better sleep? Buy yourself more comfortable sheets and practice going to sleep at the same time every night. You can make your health or exercise routine as fun as you want!

Don’t put off for tomorrow what you could get done today! Plan all the necessary things you need to do in a day to be a healthier, happier person. Remember to add in self-care activities and give yourself time to unwind. Let’s get to it and begin a healthy routine.

Have any advice on how you add some fun to your daily routine? Leave us a comment and let us know!

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“Be kindly affectionate to one another with brotherly love, in honor giving preference to one another;”

Romans 12:10 (NKJV)

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OneShare Health

Written by OneShare Health

Answering all your questions regarding medical cost sharing and healthcare and keeping you up to date on our Health Care Sharing Ministry.