Who doesn't want to cook easy healthy recipes that are good for you? With such hectic schedules, finding time to cook a heart-healthy meal from scratch is near impossible. These 30 minute meal ideas from Christine McMichael are perfect for when you need a healthy and filling meal, fast!
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7 min read
It is Time to Eat! 30-Minute Meal Ideas!
By OneShare Health on 12:30 PM on September 1, 2022
Topics: Healthy Lifestyle
4 min read
What’s for Dinner? Healthy Recipes for You and Your Family
By OneShare Health on 11:00 AM on August 30, 2022
There are different types of healthy recipes available for you to choose from. Sometimes eating the same old thing repeatedly gets boring. Change up your meals to keep your taste buds from getting bored. The best way to find the right recipe is to ask around or look online. You can also check out cookbooks from the library or bookstore. Let's go over some types of recipes that you might find while searching for your favorite choices.
Topics: Healthy Lifestyle
5 min read
Tips for Establishing a Heart Healthy Diet
By OneShare Health on 11:00 AM on August 25, 2022
Caring for your health means more than selecting a great plan of care. Effective health management should incorporate diet, exercise, and lifestyle adjustments to effect long-lasting change. With heart disease as the leading cause of death in the United States, diet trends such as keto, paleo, and the Mediterranean diet have gained notable popularity. However, before adopting a diet plan, it is important to have an understanding of how to have a healthy heart before choosing how to best support it.
Topics: Healthy Lifestyle
8 min read
No Really, Fatty Fish is Good for You. Here's Why.
By OneShare Health on 11:00 AM on August 23, 2022
Dietitians agree that fatty fish are some of the healthiest things you can eat. However, few people know why they're so good for you. By eating fatty fish at least once a week, you can improve your cardiovascular system, reduce your risk of heart disease and strokes, and even keep your brain healthy as you age. The truth is that fatty fish offers many surprising health benefits through the ever-important nutrient: omega 3.
Read on to learn more about the health benefits of omega 3 found in fatty fish, why you should eat salmon, and next time you should say yes to that extra helping!
Topics: Healthy Lifestyle
4 min read
How can water help your teeth?
By OneShare Health on 11:00 AM on August 18, 2022
Water is essential for many bodily functions, and keeping your teeth clean is one of them. When you drink water, it helps to rinse away food particles and bacteria that can cause plaque and tooth decay. It also helps to keep your mouth moist, which prevents the growth of bacteria. Drinking water after meals is especially important in order to keep your teeth clean and retain good dental hygiene.
Topics: Healthy Lifestyle
4 min read
Best Foods for A Healthier Smile
By OneShare Health on 11:00 AM on August 16, 2022
When it comes to keeping your teeth healthy and strong, what you eat matters just as much as how often you brush and floss. That's because the foods you consume can impact your dental health, for better or for worse.
Topics: Healthy Lifestyle
4 min read
Want Better Dental Hygiene? Lifestyle Tips for Brighter and Healthier Teeth
By OneShare Health on 11:00 AM on August 9, 2022
Having healthy teeth doesn't just mean fewer trips to the dentist. It can also lead to better overall health since oral health is linked to conditions like heart disease and diabetes. Here are some tips for keeping your teeth healthy and bright!
Topics: Healthy Lifestyle
4 min read
Don’t Get Burned! Learn About the Benefits of Sunscreen on Your Skin
By OneShare Health on 11:00 AM on August 4, 2022
When it comes to sunscreen, there are a few things you need to keep in mind to make sure you're getting the most out of it. First, choose a sunscreen that is right for your skin type. For sensitive skin, for example, you'll want a sunscreen designed for sensitive skin. This way your skin won't have a negative reaction to the sunscreen. By adding sunscreen to your daily skincare routine you will protect your skin from the sun's harmful rays.
Topics: Healthy Lifestyle
4 min read
How Can Exercising Help Your Skin?
By OneShare Health on 11:00 AM on August 2, 2022
When taking care of our skin, we often think about the products we put on it topically. But we may not realize that what we do internally can have a big impact on its health. Exercise is one thing that can benefit our skincare routine in many ways.
Topics: Healthy Lifestyle
4 min read
How Can Drinking Water Benefit Your Skin Health?
By OneShare Health on 11:00 AM on July 28, 2022
Water is essential for life, and that includes healthy skin. Your skin is your body’s largest organ, and it’s made mostly of water. So it makes sense that staying hydrated is key to keeping your skin looking its best. What are the benefits of drinking water and how can it affect your skincare routine?