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OneShare Health

OneShare Health

Answering all your questions regarding medical cost sharing and healthcare and keeping you up to date on our Health Care Sharing Ministry.

Recent posts by OneShare Health

4 min read

Need a Mental Health Day? Here Are Some Signs That You Do

By OneShare Health on 11:00 AM on May 17, 2022

It's important to focus on mental health now and then. We all get so wrapped up in work and life that we forget to care for ourselves. When we don't take the time to relax and recharge, we can quickly become burned out. Mental health days are a chance to step away from the stressors of everyday life and focus on our wellbeing.

Topics: Healthy Lifestyle
7 min read

What is Balance Billing? How OneShare Advocates to Lower Your Bills

By OneShare Health on 12:00 AM on May 15, 2022

As a OneShare Health Member, you deserve the freedom to choose a healthcare Provider; to go to any hospital or Facility you choose! But, to bring you this no-restriction freedom of choice, we use what we call our "Fair and Reasonable Sharing method."

In most cases, your Provider accepts our Fair and Reasonable Amount as payment in full. But what happens if you later receive a balance bill for those services? Let's break it down.  

Topics: Healthcare Sharing & FAQ
10 min read

See Whichever Care Provider You’d Like. We’ll Take Care of the Rest.

By OneShare Health on 12:00 AM on May 15, 2022

How to Stretch Your Healthcare Dollar with OneShare's Freedom of Choice 

Traditionally, consumers are in the habit of seeking medical services through a defined Provider Network – if a doctor or hospital isn't on the list, benefits are reduced. That's not the case with the new OneShare Health Programs. So go where you'd like, your Program Features will not be affected. 

As a OneShare Health Member, we are giving you the freedom to choose a healthcare Provider; to go to any hospital or Facility of your choosing. Why? To lower Out-of-Pocket expenses for your care and stretch your healthcare dollars.

Topics: Healthcare Sharing & FAQ
5 min read

Protein is Power! Tips on How to Get Enough Protein

By OneShare Health on 11:00 AM on May 10, 2022

As we all know, protein is essential for our body's growth and development. It's especially important for athletes and people trying to build muscle, or if you're taking steps to improve your health. But how much protein do you need, and how can you ensure you're getting enough? Here are some tips on how to get enough protein:

Topics: Healthy Lifestyle
4 min read

The Truth About Trans Fats

By OneShare Health on 11:00 AM on May 5, 2022

Most people know that trans fats are bad for your body, but few know exactly why. Trans fats happen with the addition of hydrogen to vegetable oil to solidify it – a process called "hydrogenation." This makes the oil less likely to spoil and extends its shelf life.

Topics: Healthy Lifestyle
4 min read

FAQ: Is OneShare Health a Non-Profit Organization?

By OneShare Health on 11:00 AM on May 3, 2022

Yes! OneShare Health LLC is a Christian non profit organization and it shares the Section 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status of its parent, OneShare International (d/b/a Anabaptist HealthShare).For readers who aren’t familiar, a non-profit organization (NPO), also known as a “nonbusiness entity” or “not-for-profit organization,” is one that is dedicated to furthering a particular social cause or advocating for a shared point of view. Rather than distributing income to the organization's shareholders, leaders, or members, a non-profit will use its surplus of revenue to further achieve its ultimate objective, which is typically humanitarian in nature.

Non-profits are tax-exempt, or charitable, meaning they do not pay income tax on the money that they receive for their organization.

Topics: Healthcare Sharing & FAQ
5 min read

What Are Refined Carbs? Are You Eating Too Many?

By OneShare Health on 11:00 AM on April 30, 2022

The big question is, what is a processed food? Processed foods and refined carbs are everywhere. They're in our cupboards, fridges, and even on restaurant tables. But what are they? And more importantly, how can we improve our health with the knowledge of these refined carbs.

Topics: Healthy Lifestyle
5 min read

Stay Strong: Ways to Improve Your Bone Health

By OneShare Health on 11:00 AM on April 29, 2022

Keeping our bones healthy and strong is important for many reasons. For starters, bones provide support and structure for the body. They also protect our vital organs from injury and help us move by providing a framework for our muscles. Additionally, bones produce blood cells and store minerals such as calcium. Given all of these vital functions, it's no surprise that bones are essential for good health.

Topics: Healthy Lifestyle
6 min read

Are Sleeping Pills Bad for You? Try These Alternatives For Good Sleep

By OneShare Health on 11:00 AM on April 28, 2022

Sleeping pills are a popular way to fall asleep, but they may not be the best option for everyone. Sleeping pills may help you fall asleep more quickly, but they can also lead to several serious side effects. For one, sleeping pills can cause you to feel groggy and disoriented the next day. They can also cause nightmares and make it difficult to concentrate. 

Topics: Healthy Lifestyle
4 min read

Three Tips to Avoid Getting Bad Sleep

By OneShare Health on 11:00 AM on April 27, 2022

Getting a good night's sleep is essential for your health and well-being. Unfortunately, many people struggle to get sleep. 

 Here are three tips to help you avoid getting bad sleep.

Topics: Healthy Lifestyle