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5 min read

What Are Refined Carbs? Are You Eating Too Many?

By OneShare Health on 11:00 AM on April 30, 2022

The big question is, what is a processed food? Processed foods and refined carbs are everywhere. They're in our cupboards, fridges, and even on restaurant tables. But what are they? And more importantly, how can we improve our health with the knowledge of these refined carbs.

Topics: Healthy Lifestyle
5 min read

Stay Strong: Ways to Improve Your Bone Health

By OneShare Health on 11:00 AM on April 29, 2022

Keeping our bones healthy and strong is important for many reasons. For starters, bones provide support and structure for the body. They also protect our vital organs from injury and help us move by providing a framework for our muscles. Additionally, bones produce blood cells and store minerals such as calcium. Given all of these vital functions, it's no surprise that bones are essential for good health.

Topics: Healthy Lifestyle
6 min read

Are Sleeping Pills Bad for You? Try These Alternatives For Good Sleep

By OneShare Health on 11:00 AM on April 28, 2022

Sleeping pills are a popular way to fall asleep, but they may not be the best option for everyone. Sleeping pills may help you fall asleep more quickly, but they can also lead to several serious side effects. For one, sleeping pills can cause you to feel groggy and disoriented the next day. They can also cause nightmares and make it difficult to concentrate. 

Topics: Healthy Lifestyle
4 min read

Three Tips to Avoid Getting Bad Sleep

By OneShare Health on 11:00 AM on April 27, 2022

Getting a good night's sleep is essential for your health and well-being. Unfortunately, many people struggle to get sleep. 

 Here are three tips to help you avoid getting bad sleep.

Topics: Healthy Lifestyle
6 min read

Tips to Prevent Sleep Apnea

By OneShare Health on 11:00 AM on April 26, 2022

If you're having problems sleeping, it might be time to talk to your doctor about sleep apnea. Although it's often overlooked or ignored, sleep apnea can have serious consequences when left untreated. Sleep apnea causes your breathing to stop and start throughout the night. This disrupts your sleep and lowers the quality of rest you get overall. 

However, there are plenty of steps to reduce your risk of getting sleep apnea, allowing you to wake up refreshed every morning and avoid sleepiness while driving or working if necessary! Here are three easy tips to help prevent sleep apnea!

Topics: Healthy Lifestyle
6 min read

Lay in Bed for Hours? Can't Sleep? Try These Tips!

By OneShare Health on 11:00 AM on April 23, 2022

For many people, getting a good night's sleep comes naturally without effort. But, if you're one of the millions of Americans who have trouble sleeping or don't get enough sleep, it can be frustrating to find ways to improve your sleep habits. So here are some tips to help if you can't sleep.

Topics: Healthy Lifestyle
9 min read

5 Ways to Focus on Mental Health for Your Family

By Patrick Bailey on 11:00 AM on April 22, 2022

When you hear the word “health,” you probably think about eating right, exercising, getting enough sleep, and taking medications for any medical conditions you may have. But there’s an area of health that we don’t talk about as much, though it’s just as important to our overall wellbeing.

Topics: Healthy Lifestyle
6 min read

How to Find the Best Pillow for Sleeping

By OneShare Health on 11:00 AM on April 21, 2022

A good night's sleep is one of the most beneficial things you can do for your body, whether you want better health or want more productivity during the day. However, it can be challenging to get the rest your body needs if you don't have the right pillow to help you sleep soundly throughout the night. If you want to learn how to avoid sleep apnea and bad sleep, find the best pillow for sleeping! Here are some tips.

Topics: Healthy Lifestyle
5 min read

What Are the Benefits of Sleep Routines for Healthy Living?

By OneShare Health on 11:00 AM on April 20, 2022

The benefits of sleep routines go far beyond simply feeling well-rested; they contribute to your health in several ways. For example, sleep routines can be instrumental in helping you avoid sleep apnea, improve your quality of life, and allow you to fall asleep more easily each night. So, to ensure your sleep routine is successful, it is essential to know which routine is for you. 

Let's look at the benefits of sleep routines and how you can use them to promote healthy living.

Topics: Healthy Lifestyle
10 min read

Let’s Get Logging: Food Journal Tips for Procrastinators

By OneShare Health on 11:00 AM on April 19, 2022

For some, keeping a food journal to lose weight is a tried-and-true way to keep track of a healthy diet plan. But, for others, our journals are full of nothing more than wide-eyed and ambitious—yet incomplete—plans to keep track of what goes in our body.

The late-night-snack-eaters, the impromptu-drive-thru-abiders, and those who suffer from frequent “I’m-too-tired-can-I-please-just-skip-a-day” mentalities are well-versed in what it means to neglect your food journaling. But it’s nothing to be ashamed of. We become all too familiar with the subsequent blank pages that follow our first few entries; motivation fades, and, honestly, there’s no way around it: following through with our well-intentioned plans can be a tough hurdle to overcome.

Topics: Healthy Lifestyle