For many people, getting a good night's sleep comes naturally without effort. But, if you're one of the millions of Americans who have trouble sleeping or don't get enough sleep, it can be frustrating to find ways to improve your sleep habits. So here are some tips to help if you can't sleep.
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6 min read
Lay in Bed for Hours? Can't Sleep? Try These Tips!
By OneShare Health on 11:00 AM on April 23, 2022
Topics: Healthy Lifestyle
9 min read
5 Ways to Focus on Mental Health for Your Family
By Patrick Bailey on 11:00 AM on April 22, 2022
When you hear the word “health,” you probably think about eating right, exercising, getting enough sleep, and taking medications for any medical conditions you may have. But there’s an area of health that we don’t talk about as much, though it’s just as important to our overall wellbeing.
Topics: Healthy Lifestyle
6 min read
How to Find the Best Pillow for Sleeping
By OneShare Health on 11:00 AM on April 21, 2022
A good night's sleep is one of the most beneficial things you can do for your body, whether you want better health or want more productivity during the day. However, it can be challenging to get the rest your body needs if you don't have the right pillow to help you sleep soundly throughout the night. If you want to learn how to avoid sleep apnea and bad sleep, find the best pillow for sleeping! Here are some tips.
Topics: Healthy Lifestyle
5 min read
What Are the Benefits of Sleep Routines for Healthy Living?
By OneShare Health on 11:00 AM on April 20, 2022
The benefits of sleep routines go far beyond simply feeling well-rested; they contribute to your health in several ways. For example, sleep routines can be instrumental in helping you avoid sleep apnea, improve your quality of life, and allow you to fall asleep more easily each night. So, to ensure your sleep routine is successful, it is essential to know which routine is for you.
Let's look at the benefits of sleep routines and how you can use them to promote healthy living.
Topics: Healthy Lifestyle
10 min read
Let’s Get Logging: Food Journal Tips for Procrastinators
By OneShare Health on 11:00 AM on April 19, 2022
For some, keeping a food journal to lose weight is a tried-and-true way to keep track of a healthy diet plan. But, for others, our journals are full of nothing more than wide-eyed and ambitious—yet incomplete—plans to keep track of what goes in our body.
The late-night-snack-eaters, the impromptu-drive-thru-abiders, and those who suffer from frequent “I’m-too-tired-can-I-please-just-skip-a-day” mentalities are well-versed in what it means to neglect your food journaling. But it’s nothing to be ashamed of. We become all too familiar with the subsequent blank pages that follow our first few entries; motivation fades, and, honestly, there’s no way around it: following through with our well-intentioned plans can be a tough hurdle to overcome.
Topics: Healthy Lifestyle
4 min read
Should I Take Supplements? Let's Break it Down
By OneShare Health on 11:00 AM on April 18, 2022
Being healthy and in shape involves more than eating well and staying active. It also means taking care of your body from the inside out, including taking supplements. But are supplements necessary? Let's break it down.
Topics: Healthy Lifestyle
6 min read
It's Time to Start Taking Care of Your Body
By OneShare Health on 11:00 AM on April 16, 2022
What do you do to make sure your body stays healthy? While it may seem like caring for our bodies has become increasingly less of a priority in our society, studies show that taking care of yourself can help relieve stress and boost your mental and physical health over time. For more information on the importance of health, and some tips, keep reading!
Topics: Healthy Lifestyle
5 min read
Write it Out! How Journaling Can Help Your Health
By OneShare Health on 11:00 AM on April 14, 2022
Here’s some mental health advice that’s long overdue: start journaling!
For as long as people have been able to write, they’ve been recording their thoughts. In fact, one of the earliest instances of journaling occurs in the Meditations of Emperor Marcus Aurelius, which date back all the way to the 2nd century AD. Sure, not all of us are busy ruling an empire or pondering the “transience of the physical world,” but each day presents us with new and unforeseen challenges that can make it difficult to keep our heads on straight. That’s where journaling for stress and anxiety comes in.
Topics: Healthy Lifestyle
5 min read
What You Need to Know About Gut Health and Probiotics
By OneShare Health on 11:00 AM on April 13, 2022
Did you know that your gut can affect your overall body health? The trillions of bacteria in your gut, collectively known as the microbiome, work to keep the rest of your body healthy in ways you might not realize.
For example, the microbiome helps regulate immunity, affects mood and mental health, regulates digestion, and even helps control weight gain. Now that you know how important the gut is to maintaining your general well-being, you might want to look into improving your gut health through probiotics and other methods.
Topics: Healthy Lifestyle
4 min read
How to Relax and Relieve Stress
By OneShare Health on 11:00 AM on April 12, 2022
As the hustle and bustle of modern life increases, so does stress. And when you become stressed, it becomes harder to focus on tasks that need your attention at work or even relax at home. So if you are looking for ways to relax and relieve stress, consider the following activities that have proven benefits in reducing tension, improving moods, and improving overall body health.