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6 min read

Open Enrollment and What it Means for You

By OneShare Health on 11:00 AM on February 15, 2021

Special Open Enrollment 2021 for Obamacare and Christian Health Insurance

When is Open Enrollment?

For most companies, it’s one time a year. But for OneShare Health, it's all year.

As COVID-19 continues to take its toll, and Open Enrollment begins for most health care companies, consumers are seriously rethinking how they receive health care. The pandemic has drastically affected many Americans’ ability to access health care as companies—traditionally the source of a health care program—continue to implement job furloughs.

Topics: News & Releases Healthcare Sharing & FAQ
4 min read

FAQ: How Long Have Health Care Sharing Programs Been Around?

By OneShare Health on 11:00 AM on January 18, 2021

Health care sharing organizations are alternatives to Christian health insurance that have been around for decades. Let's learn the history of Christian Health Care Sharing Ministries.

While cost-sharing ministries have been providing their Members with affordable ways to pay for medical costs for years, they have also been important organizations in the United States for decades.

So, just what led to the creation of Christian Health Care Sharing Ministries? Let’s look at the history of medical cost-sharing and see how these programs continue to help their Members find affordable ways to pay for health care.

Topics: Healthcare Sharing & FAQ
4 min read

How Will COVID-19 Affect Our Health Care Behavior in the Future?

By OneShare Health on 9:00 AM on November 25, 2020

While the autumn season unfolds according to plan, our holiday engagements are also starting to unravel as COVID-19 cases reach an all-time high (the CDC reported a +7% trend in positive cases within a 7-day period at the end of October 2020).

The reality is, families across the nation are revising their holiday traditions in order to cope with our “new normal” and prevent further transmission of COVID-19. But the question remains, how much longer are we expected to live with the consequences of this disease?

Topics: Healthcare Sharing & FAQ