Looking for a new home church? Maybe you moved recently, or just have not found a church that fits your personal beliefs. Lets take a look at the key steps to finding a church that resonates with you and helps support and build your personal relationship with God.
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3 min read
How to Find a Church that is the 'perfect' match for you
By OneShare Health on 11:45 AM on March 21, 2024
Topics: Biblical
2 min read
Take Time for God
By OneShare Health on 12:23 PM on January 11, 2024
Have you ever opened a new bible study or self-care book, excited for how it will change your life? Hoping it will spark a fire deep within and help you grow more? Now fast forward a week, month, or year only to find you are still in the first chapter. Sound familiar? Me too! Life happens and seems to never slow down. You have to stay late at work, go to the grocery store, make dinner, and put the kids to bed. Then you are exhausted and must prioritize the remaining hour left in the night. We are all guilty of this and typically Christ is left out or put to the side ‘until tomorrow’. Ever find yourself saying ‘I’m going to do better. I just need more time.’
Topics: Healthy Lifestyle Biblical Health
3 min read
Wellness Tips for Winter: Boost Your Immunity and Beat the Winter Blues
By OneShare Health on 3:23 PM on January 8, 2024
Essential wellness tips to boost your immunity and beat the winter blues, ensuring a healthy and happy winter season.
Topics: Healthy Lifestyle Biblical Health
2 min read
Mastering the Art of Communication With Pastor Jeremy
By OneShare Health on 12:30 AM on September 12, 2023
From the very beginning, communication is woven into the fabric of our existence. As infants, we begin with the simplest forms of expression, but as we grow, our ability to convey thoughts and feelings evolves into a complex symphony. Why? Because we are designed for connection and community. Our means of communication are diverse, encompassing body language, facial expressions, and, of course, spoken words. While all these forms have their significance, let's focus on the immense power of our spoken language.
Topics: Biblical
2 min read
From Fear to Faith: Embracing the Comfort of Psalm 23
By OneShare Health on 1:15 PM on August 15, 2023
Life is a journey filled with unexpected twists and turns, often taking us through valleys of uncertainty and challenges. In those moments, finding solace and encouragement in sacred scriptures can be a guiding light. One such scripture that has brought comfort to countless hearts is Psalm 23. This Psalm not only offers profound words of wisdom but also tells a story of transformation from fear to faith.
Topics: Biblical
5 min read
Know Your Purpose with Suzy Bootz
By OneShare Health Guest on 11:49 AM on August 1, 2023
For if you desire to inspire another by reminding them the power they have to create the life of their dreams comes through their connection to God, then do something that will inspire them. Choose how you will get your new dream home. Do you desire to create it within your mind and then purchase it, or do you desire to be creative and reveal to another soul how they too can create that which they desire through prayer and serving as co-creators in their own lives? Everything you choose to do in connection to your desire of wanting to inspire another and empower another, let it come from your heart of contribution. If you seek to empower another then provide them the tools you used to create the dream you once thought impossible.
Topics: Biblical Podcast
1 min read
Do You Know Your Worth?
By OneShare Health on 2:04 PM on June 20, 2023