It is our natural tendency as humans to be pretty self-focused. We worry about our clothes, we worry about our bills, and we worry about our futures. As church staff, you have the responsibility of your congregation on top of all of these daily stressors.
However, when laying the foundation of living a righteous and holy life for yourself or your congregation, nothing is more important than a focus on our soul. Christianity nourishes our souls and unites our spirits – a joyful soul is key to our spiritual health.
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Christian News Journal data demonstrates a rise in sermon topics such as fear, peace and hope. We need joy and confidence back in our daily spiritual lives. This is, in fact, a biblical principle. Psalm 43:5 says, “Why are you downcast, O my soul? Why the unease within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise Him for the salvation of His presence.” As believers, we are called to rely on God’s presence in our lives and to be the hands and feet of Jesus, both at home and at work. This applies to a Christian view on healthcare, too.
Christians believe we are, indeed, our brother’s keeper and are called to live in community. This means we are dedicated to the service of the Faith Community (corporately and individually). One aspect that is often overlooked in this service is the biblical principles in healthcare. According to the Association of American Medical Colleagues, “spirituality is recognized as a factor that contributes to health in many persons. All these factors can influence how patients and health care professionals perceive health and illness and how they interact with one another.”
Members of a Faith Community are called to share one another’s burdens and sharing health burdens is part of this. The church and ministries provide an organizational structure for Christians to come together and help lift each other up on their journey with Christ, and a Health Care Sharing Ministry (HCSM) provides the helpful structure for Christians to lift each other up during their medical time of need. It also affords the believer yet another way to be others-focused and put their faith in God. God has created us for community of faith, and Health Care Sharing Ministries offer a way to create a spiritual medical community. Health Care Sharing Ministries provide a spiritual and faith-based solution so the church and healthcare can come together and cultivate a strong Christian Sharing Community that trusts God and embraces compassionate care.
While Health Care Sharing Ministries provide structure to this idea, it’s not altogether so unusual. In fact, a recent Christianity Today article shared staggering stats on how churches have come together to help elevate medical stress for their own members. Pathway Church in Wichita, Kansas, spent a $22,000 chunk of its budget partly meant for publicizing its Easter services to eliminate $2.2 million in medical debt for local residents. Emmanuel Memorial Episcopal Church in Champaign, Illinois, used a $15,000 surplus from a building renovation project to eliminate $4 million of debt for more than 3,000 families.
Christian Health Care Sharing Ministries like OneShare Health offer practical ways to live out the biblical principles that guide Christian life. Because of the dedicated Community of its Members, 76% of Members’ Sharing Requests for medical services are paid and closed within 14 days, and 91% are paid and closed within 21 days, allowing this Community to truly be the hands and feet of Christ as they serve one another. Consider how you can be counter-culturally others-focused in every aspect of your Christian life. Learn more about Christianity and healthcare by exploring our Memberships.
Our Members say our Christian healthshare is the clear choice because our focus is on building a loving and healthy Community standing on biblical principles. Read our OneShare reviews and you’ll see for yourself why we’re growing by leaps and bounds. Want to join with us to expand your missions and your reach? We’re ready!
“Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God.”
Hebrews 13:16 (ESV)