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You don't have to be perfect to have a strong relationship with God. In fact, it's often the imperfections and challenges in our lives that help us grow closer to Him. Here are some tips on how to strengthen your bond with the Almighty and raise your spirituality:

Learn about how Christian insurance alternatives with our Christian health care ministry can save money on health care.

  1. Prayer is essential. Talking to God regularly is key to keeping your relationship strong. He wants to hear from you, so don't be afraid to share your thoughts and feelings with Him.
  2. Reading the Bible is also important. This is how we learn about God's character and His will for our lives. Commit to reading a few verses each day, and see how it strengthens your relationship with Him.
  3. Worship Him. Take time each day to worship and praise God. This is a great way to show your love and appreciation for all He has done for you.
  4. Serve others. As we serve those around us, we are serving God. This is a great way to show our love for Him while also growing closer to Him.
  5. Be thankful. Thankfulness is a key ingredient in any strong relationship. Give thanks for all the good in your life, and watch how your bond with God grows stronger as a result.

These are just a few tips on how to strengthen your relationship with God. As you implement these into your life, see how your connection with Him grows deeper and richer.

Learn about Christian health insurance alternatives and health plans for Christians.

Save up to 50% or more on health care! 

If you don't want to go the Obamacare route, and also want to save money on your care, check out our Health Care Sharing Ministry that's exempt from the ACA. OneShare Health is an alternative to traditional insurance coverage, we are a Health Care Sharing Ministry that could start saving you thousands per year on your healthcare!

Click here to learn more or get your free OneShare Health quote today.


Learn about Christian health insurance alternatives and health plans for Christians.

How do you strengthen your relationship with God? Leave us a comment below!


Philippians 2:3-4 (NIV)​

“Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others.”


OneShare Health

Written by OneShare Health

Answering all your questions regarding medical cost sharing and healthcare and keeping you up to date on our Health Care Sharing Ministry.