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Worry with Chaplain Jeremy

By OneShare Health on 4:11 PM on July 6, 2023

Why do we worry? Why do we seem to have anxiety about so many issues in life? We know that worrying isn’t going to solve our problems, yet we do it anyway. In reality, worrying just makes things worse! So, why do we worry? I believe it comes down to us being our own source. Source of what you ask, everything. We try to be our own source of strength, peace, joy, competence, etc.  We have the knowledge that our power is limited and there are certain situations that we have no power to change. This can leave us with only emotions to lean on. However, for believers in Christ, we have access to unlimited power to walk through life’s impossible situations.

Psalms 94:19 When anxiety was great within me, your consolation brought me joy. And. 1 Peter 5:7 Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you.

The Father invites us to give Him our worry and fear. He bought it with the price of Jesus on the cross and in His resurrection. There are things that we can do in times of difficulty, but worry is not one of them. Jesus paid the price for our baggage, so we can freely give it to Him. When we cast our cares and anxiety to Jesus, He gladly takes it and gives us the Holy Spirit power to make it through.

2 Timothy 1:7 NKJV For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.

            When you start to worry and feel anxious about anything, remember to pray and release all of it to Jesus. You will find that joy and peace will be with you, and life isn’t so heavy after all.

OneShare Health

Written by OneShare Health

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