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How To Make Exercise Fun and Enjoyable | OneShare Health Blog

Written by OneShare Health | 5:30 PM on December 15, 2021

Exercise doesn’t have to feel like a chore. There are plenty of ways to incorporate exercise into activities that you enjoy. Instead of looking at getting active as a burden and an activity that you just don’t have time for, be sure to read on for ways on how you can add movement to your life.

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Why is Exercise Important? 

Exercise is vital to your health. Physical activity is not just good for your physical well-being, but it improves your mental health as well. For your body, regular exercise helps you build muscles and delivers oxygen to your tissue, and improves your cardiovascular system. Exercise is a type of “medicine” for a healthy heart. For your mental health, when you get good exercise, chemicals in your brain known as endorphins help boost your mood and uplift your emotional status.

Why Should Exercise be Fun?

Exercise does not have to feel forced, it could be something you enjoy. Working out fuels your body and revitalizes you for the day. Moving your body is what keeps all your joints and organs running smoothly. If you make the physical activity fun, you will feel more encouraged to continue and make it a part of a routine. Let’s brainstorm exercise tips to get healthy and make it fun at the same time!

1. Bring a Friend
Bringing a friend along can make things more fun because it helps pass the time. It is hard to be miserable when you a talking with a friend. Also having a gym buddy keeps you held accountable for consistent physical activity.

2. Join a Class
If you are looking to change up your routine, joining a workout class is a great option. Explore new things! There are a lot of options out there such as Zumba, kickboxing, and even spin classes. You might find these classes are much more fulfilling socially and physically.

3. Watch A TV Show During Your Workout
If you feel like you do not have time for a workout, then make time based on your schedule. If your daily routine includes an hour of sitting down to watch TV in the evening, instead of watching after work, try getting into a workout routine as you watch. It helps pass the time and could make working out more enjoyable.

It's not important how you get your exercise, just whether you are getting it (and safely doing so). Keeping your mind and body in shape does so much more for you than you think. By making these changes and incorporating physical activity into your life, you will see a change in your physical appearance, health, and even mental status. 

What tips do you have to make exercise more fun and enjoyable? Leave a comment and let us know!

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“For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.”

Ephesians 2:10 (ESV)