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Tips to Prepare for Medical Emergencies | OneShare Health Blog

Written by OneShare Health | 5:00 PM on February 8, 2022

We get it; you are a healthy and cautious individual. However, the worst health issue you have had in years was a nasty cold, so why bother doing anything different healthcare-wise? Have you put any thought into emergencies?

The thing about emergencies is that they are not planned and happen at the worst times. Being prepared for emergencies is the best way to bounce back after they occur.

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Follow these tips for medical preparedness. That way, when an emergency occurs, you are not only prepared but ready to handle the situation. Please note, in a severe medical emergency, dial 911 immediately!


Learn CPR: 

Knowing CPR can save a life in those precious moments right after an accident. For example, if someone is rescued from drowning, those immediate moments while unconscious are crucial. Performing CPR will help keep oxygenated blood flowing to the brain and other organs until their heart has its normal rhythm back. If their brain is deprived of too much oxygen, there can be permanent neurological damage, and it could even result in death.


Take a First Aid Class: 

Packing a first aid kit is easy, but knowing how to use it is another. There are tools inside those kits other than band-aids for those random scrapes and cuts. Do you want to learn more about what is inside your first aid kit? Join a class such as one offered by the Heart Saver Institute. This class helps you prepare for emergencies such as burns, head and neck injures, and even sudden illnesses.


How to Protect Yourself in a Fire Emergency:

Fire accidents can occur anytime and anywhere. Learn best practices about what to do in a fire by taking a fire safety course. With the help of a class, you can learn common causes of fire, understand fire safety equipment, and learn how to store flammable materials to prevent such fire incidences. Find more information on fire emergency courses at Course for Fire Safety.


Enroll in a Catastrophic Health Plan:

If you feel that you do not need a health plan because you are in great shape, you still need to prepare for emergencies. Consider enrolling in a health plan designed for healthy people. Catastrophic care has lower prices because it is for emergencies. It also offers good cost-savings for just the basics, compared to an all-inclusive Program or expensive high-deductible traditional health insurance.


What Does Catastrophic Health Care Mean?

Catastrophic health care provides health care for emergencies when something catastrophic happens. You pay a low monthly contribution and protect against when an emergency hits. If you don’t like the idea of a high premium every month for regular insurance but would like an alternative to catastrophic medical insurance, there are options out there.


Where Can I Find Catastrophic Insurance Options? 

Most insurance companies have a catastrophic care option. Some, such as Cigna Health, cover preventive care, vaccines, and other essential health items.

However, not all catastrophic insurance plans are the same. Some cost a lot more than others, and a couple even have restrictions. Those restrictions could include age and whether you have financial hardships. If this does not sound like a viable option for you, maybe it is time to look for alternatives to catastrophic medical insurance.

If you want the best catastrophic health insurance alternative, check out OneShare Health. While OneShare is not insurance, we are a Health Care Sharing Ministry to help you access affordable health care. OneShare Health is ACA-Exempt, giving you a low-cost Program loaded with Features such as no-cost, 24/7 access to Clever HealthTM Telemedicine and Mental Health Chat. OneShare Health offers catastrophic care that fits your budget while keeping you protected from life’s unexpected accidents.


Do you have other tips for medical preparedness? Leave a comment below and let us know!

OneShare Health is a Health Care Sharing Ministry who does health care differently! Want to see how much you could save on your health care? Input your ZIP Code below for a free OneShare Health quote!

“Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due, when it is in your power to act.”

Proverbs 3:27 (NIV)