Pumpkin patch, pumpkin spice, pumpkin-scented candles—it’s officially fall! And you know what else this glorious, scent-of-leaves-burning, cooler weather brings? Autumn festivities! No doubt, you and your loved ones are wondering how to celebrate while adhering to CDC Halloween Guidelines, so allow us to guide you in the right direction!
In case you’re trying to finder safe alternatives to trick-or-treating, just know that the CDC has warned against ‘Trunk-or-Treat’ COVID festivities:
“The CDC's guidelines group Halloween activities into lower-risk, moderate-risk, and higher-risk buckets. The higher-risk category includes both door-to-door trick-or-treating and events where kids get treats from the trunks of cars in a big parking lot.”
They’ve also identified indoor church-sponsored activities, pumpkin patches, and fall festivals as risky business since they all typically host large crowds.
So, to protect yourself and your loved ones, consider these safety guidelines and “lower-risk” autumn festivities:
Want to stay up to date on the latest CDC guidelines and recommendations? We update our blog regularly with news from the CDC, so check us out today!
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“For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.”
Ephesians 2:10 (ESV)